Worth an estimated $165 billion at the end of 2016 , the e-learning market is predicted to grow by a huge 7.2% year on year to reach approximately $325 billion by 2025 . E-learning is on the rise across territories that have been slow to take up new technologies, including the Middle East . There are many reasons why e-learning is taking off at such a pace, including budget cuts forcing classroom teaching to cheaper online methods, the amount of readily available technology, and the rise in demand for flexible learning. All of these are forcing the industry to expand, driving new ‘game-changing’ hybrids with simulation and gamification, such as our own Simulcation Datacenter . Where’s the demand? There’s a growing need for in-depth technical training for specific job roles that used to be fulfilled through dry and costly classroom courses. According to the Brandon Hall Group , more than 40% of professional education is job-specific, with the top three content subjects ...